03 March, 2006

Dabbawallas to Teach Six Sigma Precision

From a report in the TOI:
Gangaram Talekar and Raghunath Medge - two dabbawllas from Mumbai conducted a three day course in February for 500 executives and 1500 non-executives of Bhilai steel plant. The dabbawallas, who have earned the internationally acclaimed Six Sigma rating from Forbes magazine - making just one error in every 16 million transaction, taught the steel plant workers "accuracy, precision and delivering near perfect services and products".

The workshop, according to a steel plant official was an attempt to teach workers how the dabbawalla system worked and how their experiences could be utilised to reorient the steel plant's organisational hierarchy.

I was actually pleasantly surprised to learn that the two Mumbai dabbawallas have been delivering lectures at premier institutes like the IIMs, CII conferences, Symbiosis institutes, WTC, for the last six years!

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Pause. Think. Go.

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