15 January, 2016

The Soft Side of Leadership

SoftBank president Nikesh Arora’s corporate identity has been of a no-nonsense high achiever who valued his privacy. However, at a recent business awards ceremony, Arora, held his wife's hand through much of the evening. And when it was his turn to speak, he choked up talking about his ailing father and family.

When a leader reveals his soft human side, people warm to him. Displaying vulnerability is as much required of a leader,  as showing the strong invincible side. The wisdom of leadership lies in knowing when.

13 January, 2016

Caring Leadrship

Mitu Chandilya, CEO, Air Asia India, left early from a recent business awards ceremony held in Mumbai. The reason? His people in Delhi, were having to cope with the problem of delayed flights due to the fog, and he wanted to offer them a much needed morale boost.

Not big gestures, but little ones like Chandilya’s go a long way to increase a leader's Personal #Leadership Power. They cost nothing, but show his human, caring side.
What does the Leader In You demonstrate to people? #CoachConnect

11 January, 2016

Each of Us Is Different

A post on Linkedin asks people to give an advice in 4 words. In the 3 months it's up, it has received 4000+ responses, each in some ways different from the rest. Presuming 20% of the messages may have had similar advice, that's a huge 3000+ different pieces of advice!

Life teaches us different lessons and shapes each of us differently. Reason a coach suspends judgement to look at the world from the coachee’s perspective. He brings to the coachee’s world an eye trained to spot gaps in her thinking. The coachee’s world does not change, but the coach has provided new eyes to look at it.

Pause. Think. Go.

Flash back It was several years ago that I met him on a Bombay Walk - the ones where they take you around to see and learn about the colonia...