20 February, 2016

Mindfulness Practice

“When asked which leadership tools they aim to develop, most MBA students list “practical skills” as highest on their priority lists. We have found that understanding oneself, one’s triggers, and one’s emotions through mindfulness & meditation enhances one’s ability to master these concrete skill sets”. - Yael Shy in Harvard Business Review

Practical skills call for good judgment in action, conduct, & the handling of everyday matters. Mindfulness helps us to concentrate on the here & now, become more aware of how matters affect us, & learn to change the way they relate to our inner self.

18 February, 2016

Making Winning a Habit

“I work everyday,  and my ambition is just to do something better than I last did.“ - Author Patti Smith

When competing with ourselves, there are two voices within us which are clamouring for our attention. One cheers you on as a winner and the other boos you down as a loser. Who wins?  The one you CHOOSE to listen to.

17 February, 2016

Choosing a Niche

Dr. SC is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner in Singapore. He is 85 years old and his clinic always full of patients. He remembers not only the names and combinations of hundreds of herbs and things that go into TCM, but also the names of every one of his patients.

Dr RC, his 40 year old daughter who practices in the neighbouring clinic. She specialses in acupressure, saying  TCM calls for a good memory - and she doesn't have one.

Focusing on a niche skill to overcome one's weakness is a good career choice. Or is it?

What do you think?

16 February, 2016

Goals Require Accountability

“Weight loss goals are never achieved just by getting on the scale. Similarly, thinking about NPS as simply a score, without changing the way you actually do business, will never improve customer loyalty.” - Cvetilena Gocheva

Goal achievement begins with intention but produces intended results only with a planned and consistent change in the way we have been doing things.

Obvious? Yes, but also a reality many of us on the goal achievement path are oblivious to.

Become accountable #Connect2Coach

15 February, 2016

The Enlightened Leadership Dynamic

“Our greatest hope as leaders of this country is not to go down in history as the best ever. Our aim is to go down in history (as having helped)  Singaporeans to stand tall and see further.” - Singapore Labour chief Chan Chun Sing

Our personal philosophy of leadership is a dynamic and constantly evolving journey from self interest to enlightened self interest. An ultimate state, where our self-interest lies in furthering the interests of others.

How well are you dealing with the leadership dynamic?  #Connect2Coach

14 February, 2016

Collaborative Leadership

A man once asked Pablo Picasso why all his art was so screwed up? Why didn't he paint reality instead of these distortions? Hesitating for a moment, Picasso asked, “So what do you think reality looks like? “
Showing him a picture of his wife, the man said, “Like this. It's my wife. “
“Really?” said Picasso, “She's very small. And flat too. “

Reality is subjective. Encouraging open discussion, leaders can surface  the subjective realities of their team and uncover new perspectives. By incorporating the suggestions & addressing the objections, the decision becomes a commitment to action.

Pause. Think. Go.

Flash back It was several years ago that I met him on a Bombay Walk - the ones where they take you around to see and learn about the colonia...