09 July, 2016

Stories Worth Telling

“Australian Aborigines say that the big stories—the stories worth telling and retelling, the ones in which you may find the meaning of your life—are forever stalking the right teller, sniffing and tracking like predators hunting their prey in the bush.”  — Robert Moss, DreamGates

Let Leadership Coach Uday help you
meaningful stories STALKING you,
and make them your OWN


08 July, 2016

What Is Your Definition?

Using the census definition, India is 31% urban. But if we apply Ghana’s definition of urban, India is 47% urban, and if we apply Mexico’s definition, India is 65% urban.

Clearly, everything in life and matters is a product of definition, whether it is our country's population, or the GDP number.
Or for that matter your definition of; happiness or failure, wealthy or poor.
So whose definition do you wish to apply - someone else's, or your own?

06 July, 2016

When Was The Last Time You Checked Your Beliefs?

Belief is like a personal guidebook to reality: it tells us not just what is factually correct but also right and good. It fundamentally informs our behaviour. It would be nice to think these guidebooks are reliable and dispassionate, but it has become clear that they are not. Beliefs are largely a product of our fallible psychology, gut feeling, the company we keep and biological differences such as how easily we scare. -  Graham Lowton,  New Scientist,

My Learning
Beliefs are born of our experiences, context and time. It is worthwhile to  evaluate the validity of our beliefs periodically.

05 July, 2016

The Digital Nomads

“The Millennials view of success isn't necessarily a house, a well paying job and a (white) picket fence. There's a huge shift towards defining success as working in terms of things that one truly believes in, and appreciating experiences over material possessions.” - Karoli Hindriks, owner Jobbatical, a site for digital job hunters on a global scale.

In the 60’s and 70’s too, Western youth were looking for what they believed in. They were the drug-induced  peace-seeking nomads. In the present globally connected times the Millennial digital nomads earn their way through experiences.

04 July, 2016

It Is All About Perspective

A college freshman wrote a letter to her parents. In the beginning, she told her parents that her skull fracture was healing, the fire wasn't so bad after the janitor offered to let her stay with him, and, oh, by the way, they were expecting a baby together. Her last paragraph revealed that she had no skull fracture, no fire, no janitor, & pregnancy, but she did get a “D” in chemistry & just wanted to put the bad grades into the proper perspective. - From Influence: Science and Practice by Robert Cialdini,

Success or Failure, Happy or Sad, everything is relative - a matter of perspective.

Pause. Think. Go.

Flash back It was several years ago that I met him on a Bombay Walk - the ones where they take you around to see and learn about the colonia...