22 November, 2016

When Work Takes on New Meaning

She is an engaging storyteller and writes from the heart. A quality she brings, along with determination and enthusiasm, to her work as the joint CEO of her husband’s family business. She manages the business administration, while her husband looks after the demand generation.
In an an initial coaching conversation, she had concluded that she was a ‘Doer’. That is how she saw herself. In the next coaching conversation,  she refined this label to ‘Enabler’.
And this translated into subtle, but dramatic gains in her way of functioning.
The dictionary defines a ‘Doer”’as a, “person who acts rather than merely talking or thinking,” and an ‘Enabler’ as “a person...that makes something possible.”
Redefining her role as an ‘Enabler Doer’ has helped her to manage her admin staff in a manner that effectively supports her husband's leading role in steering the company to success.

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