28 April, 2017

What is Learning Ability?

So you thought the knowledge of homeopathy and the practice of yoga is beneficial only for keeping people healthy? Rajiv Bajaj  has different ideas.
A key principle in homeopathy is that the cause of all disease is endogenous (unlike allopathy which attributes the environment also as a cause). Applying this thought to his organisation, Bajaj surmised that all organisational problems were rooted within the system.
Similarly, ultimate success in yogic postures lies in their steadiness and balance. Bajaj applied this same thought to the brand positioning of his motorcycles. Bajaj believes application of ideas and concepts from one body of knowledge to another results in the generation of a new language for addressing challenges and issues.

Learning ability therefore lies in how creatively and effectively you are are able to apply and transfer ideas and concepts of knowledge in one field, to the resolution of issues in another.

Read the whole story here:

27 April, 2017

Learning Agility in Today's Times

According to the book The Knowledge Illusion, we think we know a lot but individually know very little. Reason?  We treat knowledge in the minds of others as if it were our own. This may have it's downside as the knowledge of others may not be trustworthy.
But when Indigo Airlines flights were delayed due to a problem faced by flight crews, the CEO turned to his friend Rajiv Bajaj for help. Bajaj suggested a shopfloor technique which solved the problem.
Learning agility in today's times is about the speed with which the right knowledge is accessed, from the right source at the right time.

26 April, 2017

To Reflect is to Transform

One of the greatest powers humans have and other living creatures don't, is the power of reflection. It is reflection on the meaning of things,  seeking patterns and design in situations that has made the human race great.

Reflection centred on sorrow transformed a prince into the founder of Buddhism.

Reflection centred on the futility of war transformed a mighty, ruthless king to embrace Buddhism and spread the message of peace.

Reflection centred on life during a health breakdown, made the hard working editor and publisher of a popular magazine to realise that success has a third metric - and it is not money and power.

Reflection centred on the evils of colonialism on being evicted from a first class coach by an  Englishman, prompted Gandhiji to come up with the idea of Ahimsa or nonviolence to fight racism and colonialism. And to set him apart from human beings and become a Mahatma.

Reflection centred on the priorities of the human hierarchy of needs triggered by coming face-to face-to with poverty, made Bill Gates realise treating malaria was more important than connectivity. And the world's richest man turned philanthropist.

Reflection centred on  innovation has made people like Elon Musk and companies like Google and 3M come with ground-breaking products.

Yes, it makes sense to harness the power of reflection!

25 April, 2017

Following Your Heart

Do you have this burning desire that you are destined for more? Harsha Bhogle, who graduated as a chemical engineer and has a degree from IIM Ahmedabad, followed his passion for  cricket. He chose to become a cricket commentator, find success and manage to make a comfortable living out of his passion.

But for all those who choose to listen to the voice within and follow it fearlessly,  there are wise words of advice from successful banker-turned successful author Amish Triphati. “You must use your heart  to decide the destination but”, he warns, “... use your mind to plot the journey”.

24 April, 2017

Success and Leaving a Legacy

The four goals of life according to Stephen Covey are; To live, To love, To learn and To leave a legacy.  And Naryana Murthy of Infosys who has loved his work and lived a full life, has learnt well from his rich experiences. Moreover, he has knack of simplifying complex ideas.

So success to Murthy is “the ability to put a smile on the face of people when I enter a room”, and  his enduring legacy,  he hopes, would be “a commitment to human decency”.

Pause. Think. Go.

Flash back It was several years ago that I met him on a Bombay Walk - the ones where they take you around to see and learn about the colonia...