In the human body,
the large intestine weighs 1.8 kg,
a lung weighs in at 1.13 kg,
liver: 1.5 kg,
brain: 1.7 kg.
But the heart weighs only 0.3 kg
Size doesn't matter - your contribution does
Management Notes are my reflections as a Business coach on my coaching experiences with my clients. It is also about my insights and inspiration drawn from things I hear, read and see everyday.
In the human body,
the large intestine weighs 1.8 kg,
a lung weighs in at 1.13 kg,
liver: 1.5 kg,
brain: 1.7 kg.
But the heart weighs only 0.3 kg
Size doesn't matter - your contribution does
There is no escalator to the top of the spiritual peak. It is a step-by-step journey within, shaped by nidhidhyasana, or contemplation of our daily experiences, and insights from it.
Acording to LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, a CEOs skills and responsibilities need to evolve according to the size and needs of the company:
Small company
(1 to 50 or100 people, depending on industry)
# build a strong team
# work on a few clearly defined problems
# focus on establishing company's identity
Medium company
(50 or 100 to 500 or 1000)
# focus on process and organization
# setting new set of priorities
# training employees on how to meet new goals
Large company
(500 or 1000+)
# focus on leading company strategy
# developing and maintaining corporate culture
# creating appropriate structure for company
# ensuring right people in essential roles
# making the most important hires
# empowering employees to meet their goals
Carter Murray, the CEO of ad agency FCB, makes for an unusual CEO. He hates buzzwords. Something that many of his contemporaries appear to find comfort and meaning in. Murray calls them "completely wanky, corporate rubbish speak." He can't stand the stuff. Asked how he gets by as CEO with such distaste for industry jargon, Murray says, "We are in the business of understanding people and advising clients on how to connect with them. I find it strange that we hide behind the corporate lingo."
Am I a jargon buster or a Jargon Morgan?
Flash back It was several years ago that I met him on a Bombay Walk - the ones where they take you around to see and learn about the colonia...