One of the greatest powers humans have and other living creatures don't, is the power of reflection. It is reflection on the meaning of things, seeking patterns and design in situations that has made the human race great.
Reflection centred on sorrow transformed a prince into the founder of Buddhism.
Reflection centred on the futility of war transformed a mighty, ruthless king to embrace Buddhism and spread the message of peace.
Reflection centred on life during a health breakdown, made the hard working editor and publisher of a popular magazine to realise that success has a third metric - and it is not money and power.
Reflection centred on the evils of colonialism on being evicted from a first class coach by an Englishman, prompted Gandhiji to come up with the idea of Ahimsa or nonviolence to fight racism and colonialism. And to set him apart from human beings and become a Mahatma.
Reflection centred on the priorities of the human hierarchy of needs triggered by coming face-to face-to with poverty, made Bill Gates realise treating malaria was more important than connectivity. And the world's richest man turned philanthropist.
Reflection centred on innovation has made people like Elon Musk and companies like Google and 3M come with ground-breaking products.
Yes, it makes sense to harness the power of reflection!
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