30 July, 2016

The Millennium Leader

“The golden rule of conduct is mutual toleration, seeing that we will all never think alike and we always see truths in fragments and different points of vision.” - Mahatma Gandhi

More  pronounced than the diversity of views and opinions among individuals, the diversity is even more between generations.  Leaders managing a workforce spanning generations need to be aware of, navigate through,  and manage multiple ‘truths’

29 July, 2016

Encouraging Innovation

For the 2014 April Fool prank, Google and the Pokémon Go teamed up for the Google Maps Pokémon Challenge, in which players had to comb the globe virtually to catch 'em all. Could the virtual game be set in real life, thought John Hanke, the inventor of the game. He took the idea forward, resulting in the worldwide runaway success.

Innovation is one part serendipity and three parts possibility mindset, persistence and creativity. Leaders needs to nurture and encourage all parts.

28 July, 2016

True Greatness

Two men landed on the moon, Armstrong and Aldrin, stepping on the moon within twenty minutes of each other. The feat is well documented and Armstrong went down in history as the first man on the moon. Yet he never capitalised on it.
Two men reached Mt. Everest - Hillary and Norgay. No one, apart from the two,  knew who was the first to do so - and they decided to keep it so. Much later Tenzing revealed in his memoirs that Hillary was the first man on Everest.

Both Armstrong and Hillary could have chosen to project themselves as great heroes. That they did not, shows their true greatness.

26 July, 2016

A Window to Our Souls

The late music great David Bowie was an avid collector of art, which he kept private in his lifetime.Artist and writer Matthew Collins says, “I think he was an absolutely genuinely enthusiastic collector who didn't collect to be swanky or big himself up. He really collected because he had a use for that work and it was a personal use. He looked at those things and they changed his state of being“.

We can harness our passion either for our personal pleasure, or for personal gain. How we use it, reveals who we are & the manner in which we value it..

Pause. Think. Go.

Flash back It was several years ago that I met him on a Bombay Walk - the ones where they take you around to see and learn about the colonia...