There comes a stage in our life when we pause to ask ourselves, what is better - material fulfilment, or spiritual fulfilment?
To me, dealing with this dilemma is much the same as the way we might deal with our challenge of work-life balance - which is to choose to either: integrate, harmonize, treat them as continuum, or just make a choice between the two. I have come to the conclusion that it need not be the last, viz. an either or situation.
My first glimpse of a resolution to the dilemma came from something that Arianna Huffington, co-founder of Huffington Post said. She told Forbes magazine that while tend to think of success along two metrics - money and power, we need to add a third. “To live a life we truly want and deserve, and not just the lives settle for,” Huffington said, “we need a THIRD metric of success that goes beyond the two. The third metric consists of four pillars: well-being, wisdom, wonder, and giving.”
To me, adding the third metric is a possible resolution to the dilemma of having to choose between material and spiritual fulfilment. Instead of treating the two as as an either/or choice, what if we think of ways to either integrate, harmonise, or treat them as a continuum?
Any thoughts?