13 December, 2015

Using Weaknesses of Your Advantage

Jaideep Barman, CEO of Faasos was asked what his social media profile saying, “Pretending to be a CEO” meant. He replied, “See I am a Bengali, so I am very lazy. From day one I have looked for people who can work their best. I am the CEO, but it is a job well done by the team.“

Coaching perspective
Weaknesses used creatively for the greater organizational good can produce effective outcomes.

Try doing
Write down  on the left side of a  sheet of paper all your weaknesses and on the other side people, places or things that can help to compensate them. Don’t edit anything. Just free associate as many compensates as you can with their specific contribution. Once you’ve found one that you think works, test it out.

In what ways have you used your weaknesses to your advantage?

Image: Openforum

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